
Asteroseismology of δ Scuti stars: emulating model grids using a neural network

November 1, 2023 • Owen J. Scutt, Simon J. Murphy, Martin B. Nielsen, Guy R. Davies, Timothy R. Bedding et al.


CORALIE radial velocity search for companions around evolved stars (CASCADES). II. Seismic masses for three red giants orbited by long-period massive planets

January 1, 2022 • G. Buldgen, G. Ottoni, C. Pezzotti, A. Lyttle, P. Eggenberger et al.


CORALIE radial-velocity search for companions around evolved stars (CASCADES). III. A new Jupiter host-star: in-depth analysis of HD 29399 using TESS data

January 1, 2022 • C. Pezzotti, G. Ottoni, G. Buldgen, A. Lyttle, P. Eggenberger et al.


Hierarchically modelling Kepler dwarfs and subgiants to improve inference of stellar properties with asteroseismology

August 1, 2021 • Alexander J. Lyttle, Guy R. Davies, Tanda Li, Lindsey M. Carboneau, Ho-Hin Leung et al.